Wednesday 7 October 2009

Classes and Training Sessions

Michaelmas Term 2009

Beginners Classes

None or little experience? You will receive teaching on basic footwork/techniques from an instructor.

Saturdays, 4-5pm at School of Pythagoras, St. John’s College, followed by training session with the others.

Free, however you must pay after your first class/at your second class for the academic year if you wish to attend classes regularly. See "fee" under 'labels' on the right hand side of this blog for details.

This term we hope to go for dinner out in town to follow the training session/beginners class when possible, as an opportunity to mix with members of the society.

Training sessions

There is more than just attending the class; training sessions are where you practice what you have learnt before and putting them into context, as well as learning off others of all levels.

Tuesdays from 7-9pm @ Hughes Hall College (advanced/show crew)
Thursdays from 8.15pm - 10.15pm @ School of Pythagoras, St. John’s College (all welcome)
Saturdays from 5-6pm after beginners class @ School of Pythagoras, St. John’s College (all welcome)

Free, however you must pay after your first training/at your second training for the academic year if you wish to attend classes regularly. See "fee" under 'labels' on the right hand side of this blog for details.

If you think you know a place where there is a big space to train for free, please contact us on

Da reel shizzle

Happens outside the classes innit.

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